Vermont St - Blonded Flooring

Vermont St - Blonded Flooring

The interesting thing about being a floor sander is that you never know what the customer would like. They would look at magazines like home and garden for inspiration. Maybe they went to the home show. Who knows how they came by their respective decision. What we do know is that people who have a black floor want a white one and those who have white want black.

One thing that we have learned over the years is that nothing can surprise us anymore. In the case of this floor in Ponsonby the owner has a pre 1900 house and decided that full whit was the way to go. Now while pure white is fairly easy to achieve it can still take some time to get the right even colour right through and more coats the normal may need to be applied.

The floor was a blonded white kauri floor and the sanding process was still the same to achieve the end results. So for point of reference, Nufloors Floor Sanding Auckland does many white blonded floors but not many complete blocked out white floors. However this one did look very good.
So the sanding process was completed in no time at all and the coating for the first coat of white water based was a 2 to 1 mix. The second coat was 3 to 1 and the final coat was at about 6 to 1. All completed in water based polyurethane.

The end result was I have to say a very great floor. Though I should point out that this type of finishing isn't for everyone so you you do need to have a sample done to make sure that it is what you want before we start. If you say a very white floor then that's what you will get. If you change your mind afterwards then you could ware the cost to resand the floor again
Weather your bonding, staining, oiling, solvent-based or Waterbase we at Nufloors will be more the happy to either give you a sample or do one on your floor for you. We are one of the few floor sanders in Auckland that will do one on site on your floor. So give us call the next time want your floors sanded and polyurethaned and we will take care of it for you.